Saturday, January 16, 2021



Father, either my neighbor is deceived or I am.

I don’t believe I am, but I also know I’m not immune to deception. After all, Jesus said, “false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

So, Father, I must open myself to that possibility. Like the disciples around the table at the Last Supper, I must ask, “Is it I?”

Father, if so, reveal the truth to me. Let me be humble enough to admit my folly. May I repent so that I may speak truth and walk in truth.

But Father, if my neighbor is deceived, may I be patient and gentle. Let me remember that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” But please, Father, for my neighbor’s sake, reveal the truth to them and let them also be humble enough to admit their folly. May they also repent and speak truth and walk in truth.

And Father, it is possible—even likely—we are both wrong, at least partly. If so, may we come together in love and humbly seek truth together. May I listen to the truth they can teach me. May I boldly and kindly speak any truth I can pass on to them.

Finally, Father, for those who deliberately practice deceit for their own gain, may they see your justice and grace in this life. May justice break their hearts so they may turn away from lies with sorrow for the abuse they have done. May they fall upon the grace afforded to them by the death and resurrection of Jesus. May they confess their wrongs, so that they might be cleansed and walk in your ways. May they see your justice and grace in this life, that they may avoid your justice in the next.

Do this, Father, in the name of Jesus.



1 comment:

  1. Yes! That's my heart as well, and may I have the wisdom and clarity to speak them aloud at appropriate times. Thanks for posting this, Kevin.
